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We’re surrounded by water just about everywhere you turn. When kids lack the ability to swim, (or the muscle dexterity to pull themselves up out of the water after they land in a precarious situation), all this water can spell danger. Small children have even been known to drown in mop buckets or puddles that are just a few inches deep.

Each year in the United States, roughly 1,000 kids are killed in drowning accidents. Another four- to five-thousand kids drown but survive. Yet many of the survivors emerge with serious brain injuries and mental retardation from having gone to long without oxygen. This makes water one of the biggest risks to children.

Kids drowning & children injured or killed in water accidents

This area explores water accidents of all types, documenting how child drowning’s occur. Select from the following topics:

See also…

How to protect kids from drowning

Want to keep your kids safe around water? Visit the following link:

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