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Cow Attacks Deputy in Street
In Bullard, Texas, a sheriff’s deputy was seriously injured when a cow attacked him while he was directing traffic. Deputy Robert Britton, 54, was responding to a call of a cow hit by a vehicle. While he was trying to direct traffic away from the animal, the cow charged him, knocking him into the air. He was hospitalized in critical condition. (USA Today, 3-25-2011, 7A)

Moose Attacks Boy at Bus Stop
In Anchorage, Alaska, a boy wound up in the hospital after being attacked by a moose when he got off his school bus. Witnesses say 6-year-old Michael Barnes was kicked in the head and knocked unconscious initially, but was awake and crying by the time emergency crews took him to Providence Alaska Medical Center. Thais Holladay, a neighbor who ran to help, says the moose might have been agitated by a nearby dog. (USA Today, 3-16-2011,5A)

Woman Attacked by Cow While Mountain Biking
In Boulder, Colorado, a woman was mountain-biking along the South Boulder Creek trail when she noticed a cow standing along the side of the trail. So she stopped and waited to let the cow cross the trail. Instead it rudely knocked her over and stepped on her. Luckily, the woman was not seriously injured. The cow fled the scene before rangers could arrive. (USA Today, 1-21-2009, 25A)

The Serial Killing Camel
In Wichita Falls, Texas, a 72 year-old woman, whose name is Peggye McNair, was killed after being trampled to death by a camel she was caring for. But this camel didn’t just kill once: also killed in the attack was 53-year-old Mark Mere. Authorities were called in to remove the large, aggressive camel from it’s fenced in closure. (January 11, 2015)

Owl Attack
In Salem, Organ, a man was attacked by an owl while on his morning run in the city center park.  Fifty eight year old Ron Jaecks said the attack, which was believed to have been perpetrated by a great horned owl, felt like being hit by lightening. (1/20/2015)

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