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Teachers are human too, and thus are prone to errors in judgment and unwise decisions. Here are some of the more notable cases of teachers behaving badly.

Indecent Cartwheels
In Tawhuska, Oklahoma, a substitute teacher was arrested and charged with indecent exposure after doing a cartwheel in front of students. The reason? She was wearing a skirt and apparently didn’t have undergarments on. The Tawhuska police say a student reported the incident on a cell phone camera. (USA Today, 2-3-2017, p 4A) I assume all the boys in the class promptly requested that she become a full time teacher after this incident.

Now You’ll Sit Still!
In Rison, Arkansas, a  teacher was placed on suspension with pay for apparently binding some of her first grade students to their desks and chairs using tape.  Parents of several students in this teacher’s first grade class complained about the practice through the school board, and the Cleveland County Sheriffs Department was investigating.  (USAToday, 3-12-2009, p. 7A)

Trashy Students
In  Moundsville, West Virginia, the Marshall County Board of Education reduced a teachers suspension from two days to one for calling students who behaved badly in her classroom “trailer trash.”  The female teacher did apologize, and will be reimbursed for the 2nd day she missed.  (USAToday, 4-10-2008, p. 8A)

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