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Toddler Dies of Pneumonia Infection
In Oregon City, Oregon, a 15-month-old girl died on March 2 at her home from  pneumonia and a related infection. Her parents, members of Oregon City’s Followers of Christ, could face charges for failing to seek treatment. Doctors say the girl could have easily been saved, but she wasn’t treated because of her parents’ religious beliefs. (USA Today, 3-24-2008, p. 13A)

Girl with Diabetes Dies
In Wausau, Wisconsin, a couple was on trial accused of praying for health rather than taking their 11-year-old daughter to a doctor as she died of undiagnosed diabetes. Leilani Neumann and her husband Dale are charged with second-degree reckless homicide. (USA Today, 12-23-2008)

Teen Dies of Urinary Tract Infection
Sixteen-year-old Neil Beagley died of a urinary tract infection that could have been easily treated. Instead, his family relied on “faith healing.” The teen himself declined treatment. (USA Today, 6-19-2008, p. 6A)

Boy Suffocated Inside Prayer Circle
In 2003, Terrance Cottrell, an 8-year-old autistic boy from Milwaukee, was accidentally suffocated during a prayer service when church members tried to exercise the evil spirits they believed were causing his autism. (Grinker 2007)

1. Grinker, R.R. (2007) Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism. New York: Basic Books

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