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Woman Walks Into Airplane Propeller
In May of 2014, a 14-year-old Ohio woman died after accidentally walking into a planes running propeller at a skydiving center. The coroner said she died of traumatic head injuries.

Bouncing Babies
One unusual threat that parents often overlook is the hazard of turbulence on airplanes.  While turbulence won’t bring down an airplane, it can cause a big enough jolt to send passengers flying, potentially breaking bones . . . or worse.

A 20 pound baby in severe turbulence weighs the equivalent of around 60 pounds, and can be flung from their parents arms.  Many have been launched into the ceiling, hitting their heads against the top of the plane.  It’s a rare occurrence, but it does happen.

You can bring a car seat onto the plane, though this will require purchasing an extra seat.  It’s up to you to weigh the risks versus rewards.

Bees in The Cockpit
In New Bedford, Massachusetts, a bee in the cockpit let to the crash of a small plane at New Bedford Regional Airport.  The pilot was apparently so distracted by the insect that he forgot to lower his landing gear, leading to a “belly slide down” the runway.  Although the pilot was not hurt, his plane suffered significant damage. (USAToday 10-15-2014, p. 4A)

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