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Boy Run Over by Parade Float
In Menan, Idaho, a 6-year-old boy was expected to survive after being run over by a float during a Fourth of July parade. Jefferson County Sheriff’s official Mickey Earner said the boy was riding on the back of a vehicle pulling a float during the parade when he reportedly jumped off and was struck by the float. (USA Today, 6-7-2010, p. 5A)

Girl Killed by Parade Float
In Texas, a fourth-grade honor student from Homer Drive Elementary School was struck and killed by a float during a Christmas parade. According to witnesses, 11-year-old Aaliyah Carter had jumped off a trailer float on Saturday and was apparently running beside it when she lost her footing and fell. The girl was then crushed by the trailer behind her. (USA Today, 12-8-2008, p. 3A)

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