How NOT to Boost A Safe
They say crime doesn’t pay, and in many cases this is true. For example, studies have shown that drug dealers earn less per hour than McDonald’s workers unless they happen to be at the upper echelon of the trade. (Its that allure of hitting the “Big Time” that draws people in) So perhaps no case serves as a better example of this concept that the story we’re about to discuss.
Recently there was an incident where3 friends decided to steal a safe. So they boosted the 200 pound monstrosity, struggling to load it into the car’s trunk, accidentally shattering the rear window in the process. They then drove to one of the thieves apartments. However, when neighbors saw a safe being dragged across the parking lot in the middle of the night, they called police. During this ordeal it fell onto one perp’s foot. Ouch!
Police responded, and were able to follow the gouge marks left behind straight to the residence. They visited the apartment and found the safe sitting in the middle of the kitchen still unopened. So police opened the safe and found … nothing. It was empty.
So remember boys and girls, crime doesn’t pay … especially if you forget to check the contents of the safe you are trying to steal. In fact, you might want to relay this story to your kids. I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of it, and it may even serve as a cautionary tale in the future for those times when they might be considering doing something stupid with their friends. (But of course, we all know that would never happen.)